Green Innovations: EIC-funded company IsCleanAir is combining sustainability with air purification
The pandemic made it crystal clear. Ventilation is key to make workplaces safer. Amid the Coronavirus outbreak, air cleaners and filtration became part of the plan to reduce the potential for airborne transmission of COVID-19 and started changing the future of public spaces. To help industries clean up their workplaces, the tech company Is CLEAN AIR Italia took their water-based air-purifying IoT system to new markets, and the innovation is now reducing air contaminants by more than 90% in multiple environments. As its name suggests, the EIC company is helping various sectors to clear the air with a unique and sustainable filterless air pollution abatement system. Discover their Green Innovation in the EIC Community.
Over recent years, air pollution started to be recognized as an environmental issue and a problem affecting health and well-being. Can you please tell us how APA is unique and disruptive to address this environmental challenge?
We can abate particles and chemicals simultaneously; both airborne particle matters, several times smaller than virus size, chemical/gaseous pollutants (CO, VOC, SOx, NOx) and even heavy metals with a single technology. Independent tests and third-party validations have proven that our APA technology can also sequester/absorb up to 20% CO2 present in the air while removing other pollutants, all using simple water. Specifically, our APA devices for industrial and urban applications have been designed to work with low resource/energy consumptions and use as much as possible recyclable materials (like steel and aluminium). The main component to abate pollution is simple WATER, 100% natural and reusable. We are also improving both the industrialization processes and the components and materials of each APA system, multi-shapes, and multi-functions/multi-purposes. APA technology is very different from the others because is versatile and competitor technologies mainly rely on filters, which are very carbon-intensive and more expensive to run, and have strong limits in terms of scalability and flexibility. Our APA technology uses reusable water that has been certified to be comparable to rainfall water after its use. Hence, it can be managed and disposed into the normal sewage in many applications.
Your technology became particularly important during the pandemic since your water-based air-purifying IoT system can reduce air contaminants by more than 90%. Did COVID already change your revenue and approach?
Before COVID, our main customers were industrial and large businesses dealing with high pollution levels both at source and in large indoor spaces. We also performed special projects and initiatives in urban areas and made tests at plants and experimentations in transportation hubs. The pandemic has allowed us to re-think beyond the air pollution abatement and re-design our business model, priorities, and mindset to develop new and additional business lines. IsCleanAir has been able to seize new opportunities and solutions thanks to the versatility of APA enabling the detection of contamination risks, through sampling its water, in all the application spaces, including the virus detection of COVID-19 itself. Having received certification as a medical device, we want to support the detection of virus spread and reduce the risk of infections from industrial areas to urban spaces, from offices to buildings and work sites.
With the multinational giant Eni Gas & Luce, one of the largest companies worldwide, we have just launched an important co-investment project to create new solutions to ensure the extensive sanitization of workspaces. We are also involved in different initiatives with other large corporates, research entities, and Universities to develop new implementations in multiple and varied environments.
Another main advantage of APA is that it uses 7–10 times less electricity than conventional filter-based systems, supporting more sustainable management. What is your main objective in terms of the environment? Are you also trying to be a green company with a green business model and products?
So far, we have run many deployments and APA applications (>150) and have many others in the pipeline. The water we use is safe and certified to be discharged in the sewage system as rainfall water, even after months of operation. We make APA devices from recyclable material in compliance with Circular Economy and Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, and we were recently awarded the Solar Impulse Global Award. Our goal is to become a global leader in ambient air cleaning and pollution reduction, acting at the service of human health, companies and governments, and the environment, following the circular economy and the ESG principles.
In what way has IsCleanAir benefited from the EIC pilot funding?
The EIC funding has enabled IsCleanAir to accelerate some programs, receive validations, provided training and financial support, generated new patents and know-how, strengthen our network, experiences, and aspirations to serve better the customers, and develop new business models. Thanks to the EIC pilot, IsCleanAir has clearly understood the great opportunity to define its “go-to-market strategy”. Further, under the Green Deal and GHG Programme, now we have new and substantial opportunities to cooperate even with large companies and public authorities.
What advice can you give to people who are currently playing with the idea of starting a green innovation and becoming entrepreneurs?
The «costs of inaction» and the financial impacts are enormous and often linked to the poor air quality in our cities and workplaces. We need new integrated and multidisciplinary enabling technologies, to fight against climate change, at the service of people’s health and the environment. We trust that many other businesses and companies can also take this step and move with us in co-developments and co-creations. We believe that we can finally develop jointly new solutions to mitigate and repair the wrong actions of the past decades with unity.
The Italian start-up ISCLEANAIR has conceived and developed the APA – Air Pollution Abatement technology, all “Made in Italy” and first in the world in the Cleantech sector. APA is the first concrete technological innovation in the world that does not use filters, based on the simple use of water and distributed use at ground level, which effectively reduces the harmful pollutants present in the air we breathe.
ISCLEANAIR has invested heavily in APA technology, developing a solution that is radically different from all the others, extensively applicable and decidedly innovative compared to the previous ones, which creates a better quality of the ambient air, both indoors and outdoors. Numerous laboratory and field tests and analyzes, certified by independent third parties (universities, research institutes, foundations and consumer associations, certification companies, etc.), have certified that the APA technology effectively captures and eliminates PM (unique in the world also effective on nano – powders), heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, light hydrocarbons, NOx and SOx, CO and CO2, Ozone, pollen, spores, industrial pollutants, viruses and bacteria. The certifications issued by the “Istituto Motori – National Research Council – CNR – IM” and by RINA Services also show that APA reduces PM with dimensions starting from 20 nm (PM 0.02), even smaller than the dimensions of the SARS-COV2 which causes the spread of COVID – 19. In other words, APA is capable of simultaneously breaking down both particles and chemical pollutants. This peculiar feature has also made it possible to receive certification from the Italian Ministry of Health as a first level medical device, and enriches the technological assets of APA (BAT – Best Available Technology in compliance with the EU IPCC Directive 2008/1 / EC) which it already holds. extensive technological know-how and more than 30 inventions and patents granted in Europe and internationally. that APA reduces PM with sizes as low as 20 nm (PM 0.02), even smaller than the size of SARS-COV2 which causes the spread of COVID – 19. In other words, APA is capable of simultaneously breaking down both particles than chemical pollutants. This peculiar feature has also made it possible to receive certification from the Italian Ministry of Health as a first level medical device, and enriches the technological assets of APA (BAT – Best Available Technology in compliance with the EU IPCC Directive 2008/1 / EC) which it already holds. extensive technological know-how and more than 30 inventions and patents granted in Europe and internationally. that APA reduces PM with dimensions as low as 20 nm (PM 0.02), even smaller than the size of SARS-COV2 which causes the spread of COVID – 19. In other words, APA is capable of simultaneously breaking down both particles than chemical pollutants. This peculiar feature has also made it possible to receive certification from the Italian Ministry of Health as a first level medical device, and enriches the technological assets of APA (BAT – Best Available Technology in compliance with the EU IPCC Directive 2008/1 / EC) which it already holds. extensive technological know-how and more than 30 inventions and patents granted in Europe and internationally. APA is able to simultaneously break down both particles and chemical pollutants. This peculiar feature has also made it possible to receive certification from the Italian Ministry of Health as a first level medical device, and enriches the technological assets of APA (BAT – Best Available Technology in compliance with the EU IPCC Directive 2008/1 / EC) which it already holds. extensive technological know-how and more than 30 inventions and patents granted in Europe and internationally. APA is able to simultaneously break down both particles and chemical pollutants. This peculiar feature has also allowed it to receive certification from the Italian Ministry of Health as a first level medical device, and enriches the technological assets of APA (BAT – Best Available Technology in accordance with the EU IPCC Directive 2008/1 / EC) which it already holds. extensive technological know-how and more than 30 inventions and patents granted in Europe and internationally.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the singular and particular experience of the recent “lockdowns” have profoundly influenced the business development process of ISCLEANAIR; the Italian start-up, in fact, alongside the ordinary activities is working to implement a revolutionary methodology according to which the water, used for air filtration, thanks to daily sampling and analysis activities, can be used to detect promptly, effectively and extent of verification and very low costs, the presence of Coronavirus and similar and dangerous viruses in the areas of use and, therefore, identify with a certain immediacy the presence of risky situations and contain and avoid the spread of possible epidemics in spaces and indoor environments (e.g. schools, nursing homes, offices, etc.).
Is CLEAN AIR Italia Srl – representation and production agreement signed
Clean Air is one of the most sensitive intangible assets, primary good for human and environmental health, for the safety and long-term existence of the overall system.
It is a need, a right, and a duty.
It is a social, ecologic, and economic priority.
It is a single and collective, political responsibility.
We work for a safe, healthy, sustainable World. We raise awareness of the importance of “Clean Air” in working and living places. We inspire our People, Private and Public stakeholders to take up environmental ownership by adopting virtuous behaviors to respect and protect our natural, social and cultural heritage, to free economic resources for the community, and increase health, wealth, and productivity. Today and Tomorrow.
“APA - A filter-less air pollution abatement system A filter-less air pollution abatement system water-based, able to clean the widest range of harmful substances operating distributed at ground level, everywhere, for a healthier and a truly more sustainable environment”
(EC Horizon 2020 – “Seal of Excellence” and “GRANTS – SME Instruments Phase 2”)
The International Mediterranean Energy Conference
The International Mediterranean Energy Conference, will take place the 8th of December in Istanbul, Turkey. The conference is organized by ASCAME and the Chamber of Commerce of Istanbul.
As the President of the ASCAME Commission of Conventional Energies said: “The event will be held in a context where energy is a key and challenging factor of development in our region and the energy interdependence and complementarity which links the countries from both shores of the region encourages us to reflect on more in-depth energy cooperation”
The event will represent a great opportunity to discuss the latest development and the opportunities and challenges that may represent the energy sector in the region. In the framework of this event will also take place on the December 09th B2B meetings among the Mediterranean companies attending the event in order to drive business opportunities.
ATOMEXPO 6.Uluslararası Nükleer Enerji Forumu, 6-10 Haziran, 2014, Moskova, Rusya
DD Energy Services’ partner H. Özgür Demirdöven has attended ATOMEXPO “6.International Nuclear Energy Forum” through the invitation of Rosatom.
ATOMEXPO International Forum is a major exhibition and business platform for conducting meetings and negotiations between the worldwide leaders of the nuclear power industry.
Visit for further information.
DD Energy Services becomes ‘Unlicensed Electricity Generation Association (UEPA)’ corporate member as of May 5th, 2014.
Visit for further information.
20th International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference, 24-25-26 April, 2014, Istanbul
ICCI-Energy and Environment Fair and Conference held every year, improving with its exhibitors and visitors, being a platform where subjects such as Energy and Environment, Energy Production from Waste, Emission Trade, Turkey Electricty Market, Natural Gas and Petroleum Markets, Turkey Investment Stage, Energy Privatizations, Renewable Energy Markets, Energy Investment Finances, Energy Law, Energy Efficiency, Cogeneration, Environment, Carbon Markets, Energy and Environment Technologies will be argued, is going to be organized on 24-25-26 April 2014 in İstanbul Expo Center.
We would be honored to see you in Hall 9 Stand I-100 as DD Energy Services.
Visit for further information.
Solarex İstanbul 2014 – 7th International Solar & Photovoltaic Technologies Exhibition is going to be organized on 10-11-12 April 2014 in İstanbul Expo Center.
We would be honored to see you in hall 9 stand D10 as Ingeteam and DD Energy Services (Turkish Agent of Ingeteam).
Visit http://www.
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
- DD Energy Services @ Solarex 2014
Faal Enerji Magazine 16th issue – 27.02.2014
Renewable Energy in Smart Cities: Wind, Solar and Biofuels
Renewable Energy in Smart Cities: Wind, Solar and Biofuels – 27.11.2013
David R. Delaire (Managing Partner of DD Energy Services) will be a speaker in the summit.
Summit Name: 2nd World Intelligent Cities Summit and Exhibition
Date: 27 & 28 November 2013
Venue: Conrad Hotel İstanbul
Speakers List:
Explanation: WICS (World Intelligent Cities Summit) will take place in Istanbul, Turkey. It is the highest level business summit and exhibition dedicated to the development of truly 21st century connected and sustainable cities.
Theme: Creating Intelligent, Sustainable Cities to Drive Economic Growth
Overview: The world is demanding more and more energy. The projected growth of worldwide energy demand by 2030 is 36.8% according to the International Energy Outlook 2008. This is due not only to population growth, urbanization and improvement in living standards, but also to new requirements such as electric vehicles and the substitution of electricity for hydrocarbon-based fuels as an “energy carrier”. Any growth in energy supply must be achieved in a low carbon way. Power generation creates 25% of the world’s CO2emissions, the largest man-made source, according to The Climate Group and McKinsey & Co., (“Smart 2020 Report”).
• Strategic planning for wind power infrastructure development
• How Can I Bring Wind Energy to My Community?
• What is the anticipated role of solar power in intelligent city transformation?
• Innovative financing for commercial rooftops
• Installation of solar roof-top hybrid grid-connected and stand-alone systems
• Commercial Realities of Biofuels in the Future Energy Mix
• Biofuels Role in reducing CO2 emissions
• National Biofuels policies: Examining the differences in national legislation
• Energy efficiency: as a result of high demand, a huge effort has been made to improve the way in which energy is consumed; nevertheless, how could this be developed further?
Photos from WICS 2013
DD Energy Services on Global Top News Newspaper – 10.Jun.2013
H. Özgür Demirdöven (Managing Partners of DD Energy Services ) reviewed the wind energy for Global Top News Newspaper . (Küresel Ana Haber Gazetesi: )
Energy Supplement – PDF
Energy & Environment Supplement – PDF
DD Energy Services on Active Energy Magazine – 10.Jun.2013
David R. Delaire and H. Özgür Demirdöven (Managing Partners of DD Energy Services ) evaluated the energy sector for Active Energy Magazine.
Overview Turkish Market Full Text PDF
International Renewable Energy conference, 30 April, Istanbul
Photos from conference,
International Renewable Energy conference, 30 April, Istanbul
Mr. David R. Delaire, Managing Partner of DD Energy Services, will join the panellists.
Forum 2: Wind energy
19th International Energy and Environment Fair and Conference, 24-25-26 April, Istanbul
We are participating to the ICCI 2013.
9. Hall, I-100 booth
For detailed information about ICCI: